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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bitter melon noodles

I was never a fan of bitter melon until recently.  When I was a child,  my mom would make bitter melon soup with meat and shrimp stuffing.  It wasn't tasty at all because it was so bitter.  My taste buds have definitely evolved over the years.  Now, not only can I eat bitter melon, I actually enjoy the bitter taste.  For tonight's dinner, I added some egg noodles to the bitter melon soup.
I first mixed the following for the stuffing: ground pork, chopped shrimp, dried fungus, shredded carrot, vermicelli, 1 egg yolk, chopped fresh onion, soy sauce, fish sauce, salt, sugar, black pepper and garlic powder.
With the bitter melon, cut it into 2 to 3 pieces.  Then take out seeds so that you can stuff the stuffing in.  Then  placed the bitter melon in a large pot and cooked it in my homemade shrimp and chicken stock for 1 hour on medium heat.  I seasoned it with sugar candy and onion.
While the soup is almost done, I cooked some egg noodle and placed it in a bowl.  Once the soup is done, cut the melon and place it in the bowl.  Here comes the tricky part:  In another bowl, put some soup that was just made, premium soy sauce, sugar, baby ginger and starch for the noodle sauce.  Heat up a pan on medium heat and pour the sauce until it lightly thickens.  Then last but not least, pour the sauce in the bowl that you prepared.
I garnished it with chopped cilantro and mint/cilantro oil.  Don't let the bitterness stop you from eating good food.  Happy eating!


ickyBINKY said...

That's a very nice diagonal-cut bitter melon. How many tries did it take?

n0bodykn0w5 said...

cooking it? or cutting it? either try.