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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


If you never heard of Daiso, you might want to go check it out because they sell lots of plates/bowls/cups for such a cheap price.  The clay pot featured above was $2 each.  I brought it not too long ago and wasn't sure what to do with it until today.  I wanted to make this Korean dish with rice and adding Korean bbq short ribs, cucumber, carrot, bean sprout, and my egg cooked sunny side up.  My uncle in-law threw a birthday party for his son and there was short ribs to take home.  I used the leftover short rib for my clay pot.

First off, I put EVOO in the clay pot and rice.  Then I placed it on the stove and set the heat on medium for 5 to 8 minutes.  I want the bottom of the rice to be lightly burnt and crunchy when you take that first bite.  Remember to not burn your rice!
The following are some veggies that I put together.  For the bean sprouts, I steamed it and season it with teriyaki sauce, sugar and sesame oil.
Once you prepare these ingredients, start your plating.  One of my key ingredient is the eel sauce. When you are done plating, drizzle some eel sauce and poke the egg yolk and enjoy that first bite.
At first, I called the dish clay pot because I didn't know what it was called.  Thanks to my friend Jimmy, I realized I was trying to recreate bibimbap.

1 comment:

ickyBINKY said...

It's such a good looking dish. I'm torn to dig into it. NOT!