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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thit bo luc lac

The direct translation of "thit bo luc lac" is shaking beef.  It might sound funny but it sure tastes good.  I attempted my first short video to demonstrate how to "shake" the beef.  It's not that easy to cook in front of a camera so I hope you will enjoy it and give me some feedback to better my videos in the future.

-1 lb of beef tenderloin
-3/4 tbs soy sauce
-1/4 tbs fish sauce
-1/4 tsp black pepper
-1 tsp sugar
-2 cloves of garlic
-1/4 chili pepper (optional)
-shot glass of bourbon

I recommend using beef tenderloin if you like your beef soft.  Cut the beef into cubes about 3/4 inch.  In a bowl, mash some cloves of garlic and add in soy sauce, fish sauce, black pepper, sugar, and chili pepper.  Mix the sauce, add in the beef and let it marinate for 5 minutes.  Using a wok on very high heat (try not to burn your home) add in cooking oil.  When you feel that the wok is hot, add the beef and start shaking.  Once all corner of the beef are nice and brown, add in the bourbon.  When the flame is out then the beef is cooked medium rare.  If you like your beef well-done, cook it a little longer and reduce the heat.  Have fun shaking!!

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