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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chinese Mustard green

Nothing fancy today,  I just want to make Chinese Mustard green (Gai Choy).  CMG is another vegetable that I enjoy eating.  All you need is 5 cloves of garlic, salt, sugar, chicken stock from the soup I made and CMG.  It's that simple.  Drizzle some EVOO and garlic on high heat, once the garlic slightly turn brown add in the CMG.  Add salt and sugar and stir it.  Then add in some chicken stock and cover with lid for a minute.  Then stir until done.  Yes! It's that simple.  I served this with rice, caramelized chicken with ginger, and CMG soup with ginger.
Yes! With chicken and CMG, I ended up making 3 dishes.  Having soup, salty dish, and veggie dish is a Vietnamese tradition.  It's about balance.

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