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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Swai Fillet with a touch of Cumin

1. Slice some red onion and chopped garlic. Put it in the pan with some extra virgin olive oil in high heat.
2. Throw in 1 or 2 Swai fillet and season with sea salt, black pepper, and sprinkle some cumin.
3. Sear both side for 2 to 3 minutes until cooked.
4. Chop up some fresh parsley and sprinkle it on the Swai.
 I served my fish with flat bread, your choice of cheese, your choice of roasted hummus, and my homemade sauerkraut.

1 comment:

ickyBINKY said...

That makes me want to make some fish tacos. The only catch is...How the heck do you make it? Oh well, Dos here I come.