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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

White taro soup

-dried shrimps (soak in warm water for 5 mins and drain it)
-white taro (boiled until tender)
-1/2 onion
-fish sauce
-black pepper
-paddy rice herb

This should be simple: sauteed the shrimps, dried shrimps and onion until cooked in a large pot.  Then add about 6 cups of water and wait for it to boiled.  Now, you will need a blender.  Pour everything from the pot into the blender with taro and blend until fine (depending on how thick you want the soup don't add too much water) you might need to split it up.  Once everything is blend, pour it back in the pot and set the heat at medium high.  Season with fish sauce, sugar, and black pepper according to your taste.  Serve it in a bowl with some chopped paddy rice herb.

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