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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thai Papaya salad

Once again, I have to give my sister credit for introducing me to this dish.  I didn't plan on making this dish until a friend asked me to show her how to make it because she wanted to surprise her boyfriend. This is a wonderfully tasty dish and it's simple to make.  I challenge you to make this for your boy/girlfriend.

My take on Thai Papaya salad

Serves 3 to 4
-about 2 lbs of freshly shredded papaya (this means buying a whole papaya and shredding it yourself)
-1 *TBS* shrimp paste
-1 *TBS* fish sauce
-1 tsp sugar
-1 hot pepper
-about 20 cherry tomatoes
-1/2 cup dried shrimp
-6 oz of water with about 2-3 oz of tamarind
-2 gloves garlic
-1 lime
-basil for garnish
-add peanuts as desired

1 comment:

ickyBINKY said...

I have a few more recipes to show you. =)